Sunday, March 4, 2012

Zilker Park Kite Festival

Today we went to the Zilker Park Kite Festival. This is a super old tradition in Austin like 100 years old or something and I have never gone. I was born here, lived most of my life here but just never had any desire to attend. I don’t typically enjoy going to large events that are free, don’t particularly care for the caliber of people it draws. However, this year I have a child who loves kites so I thought what the heck. I figured if we got there right when it started we would beat the crowds and I was right. We left for it right after church this morning and ended up having a great time. No line for the shuttle, no line for foods, saw a ton of cool kites and were home in time for nap. 

When we first got there Ty was just so excited. He was running around everywhere just in awe of all the kites. 

Isn’t Austin such a pretty city? The weather today is about as perfect as it can be with just enough wind to get kites in the air. Just when I think there’s no way I can live in this hippie liberal city anymore after the ban on all plastic bags goes into affect next year, I see pictures like this and think, maybe this isn’t such a bad city afterall and maybe its so pretty because all the hippies care so much to keep it clean (hahaha yeah right! Momentary lapse in judgement due to the awesomeness of the skyline- death to hippies).

Of course Ty was drawn to the volleyball area, or ginormous sandbox, like a moth to a flame. We stopped to let him play a while, let him relive the glory days of his huge sandbox Patrick built him in Aiken. 

Here’s a picture of me, oh I don’t know circa 2007 (wow was this really 5 years ago now?!?), on the same volleyball courts. We used to have our annual work volleyball tournament here every year. Hard to believe I ever looked at this picture and thought I was fat, yeah I know ridiculous. I would like to borrow Doc Brown's Delorian to go back in time and slap myself and say “you are so skinny, just wait until you have your cute little baby. He will ruin your figure and your metabolism forever.” 

I actually think I do look pretty cute here though. It’s the new blonder hair, it makes me look and feel so much better.

And then when I see this picture I want to go back in the time machine one more time and tell my 27 year old self “Oh but don’t worry, he’ll be worth it” 

Ty was so well behaved today, I couldn’t have asked for a better kid. 

Here is Ty’s 1st cotton candy. When I gave it to him, he wiped his face and nose with it, he thought it was a Kleenex (see the remnants of it on his cheek?) My mom finally had to show him that, yes it was ok to put in his mouth and eat. One taste and the boy was hooked. 

We stopped and made a picnic spot for lunch. I saw a crepe stand and got super excited so my mom bought us savory crepes. They were good but my husband makes really good crepes and I think his might have been better then the ones today. 

I actually really like this picture of me and Ty too. 

Oh and for some reason he was super huggy today so he kept going between me and my mom giving us hugs. 

Just looking at all the kites, trying to take it all in. 

Look at all of them! And we were there early with hardly any people there yet. I can’t imagine what it looks like right now. 

My favorite kite I saw all day. This is the one I would buy if I could fly a kite but I can’t so whatever. 

And here we are walking to get on the school bus to take us back to our car, I think the ride on the school bus may have been just as thrilling to Ty as all the kites were.

What a fun day. I love doing fun and different things especially when they are free (or if my mom is paying for everything) and Austin is the best city in the world for stuff like that. 

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