Monday, January 31, 2011

Skinny Jeans

From Facebook Today:
"I got Ty some new super skinny jeans in hopes of finding pants that stay up on him. they were called rockstar jeans online. they are so tight he looks british. mick jagger style."
and here they are

I think they're cute jeans and look good on but most importantly they were long enough and they didn't fall off of him. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

We went to Gymboree open gym today and Ty had a great time as usual. He waved at all the moms there for some reason. Ty really likes all the other moms for some reason.

I love his new hat isn't it so cute? Oh and this shirt was destroyed today with butternut squash, pretzels and banana strawberry smoothie. I'm glad I got some pictures while it was still white.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Project 365- Week 3 and a Few Other Things

So its been a whole week since I last blogged but I have a good reason, my mom came to visit! She was here from Wednesday morning to Sunday morning. Not nearly long enough but we had lots of fun nonetheless. Some things that Ty started doing this week- he makes a grunting sound when you ask him what the pig says. He says "Yay" and will clap. He throws things on the floor from his high chair on purpose over and over just to see them fall. He loves throwing food on the floor then leaning over to watch the dogs eat it. I've caught him sharing his baby mum mum with Payton in the backseat of the car but he won't let it go, he just puts it in her mouth and takes it back. Anyway here are my pictures for the week
Patrick, the girls and Ty playing together on the floor.

Playing at his favorite toy. 

Here is Ty with a rice cake in his mouth. For some reason he loves those things, especially the apple cinnamon flavored ones.

On Grammy's air mattress. He and the dogs loved that thing,

Lazy dogs asleep. I snapped this picture right before I went to bed after I realized I hadn't taken a picture yet for the day. 

Standing alone and apparently very excited about it!

One of the only sunny, warm days in Kentucky. Here he is playing in the famous Kentucky Bluegrass. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3 Project 365

Jan 17th-Here's Ty in his Quacker Duck bath tub. He can probably bathe in the regular tub without the novelty blow up duck but he loves Dukie and when you squeeze his beak he quacks.

Jan 18th-Just hanging out at home and in a cute outfit.

Jan 19th- Not only is Paris sleeping on my bed, she's sleeping on my pillow. She thinks shes human.

Jan 20th- Early in the morning (so cute he still has his little sleepy eyes) playing with a box of beer that was left on the kitchen floor.

Jan 21st- Me shoveling snow for the first time in my life. I posted this pic on facebook and got a huge response. Everyone had to comment on how stylish I looked shoveling snow. What? Is there any other way?

Jan 22nd- Ty riding Paris like a horse. She growls the entire time he's on her back but its better then Payton, she just sits down automatically.

Jan 23-Ty sitting in his racetrack toy. The later pictures show him standing in it to reach something. He's such a brave little boy!

Friday, January 21, 2011

8 Months

Ty you're 8 months old today! I can't believe how the time is flying by. It seems like only yesterday you were still in my belly.
You clapped today for the first time when I was singing "If You're Happy and You Know It." So now you wave, you clap and you give us 5.
You weigh around 16.5 pounds and you're 29 inches tall. You're in the 5 percentile for weight but in the 90 percentile for height. Tall and skinny. You can still wear 3-6 month clothes and you can wear 6-9 month stuff as long as they're not pants because those won't stay up on you.

You go to sleep around 7:30 every night and wake up around 4:30 but go right back to sleep when I bring you to sleep with me. This morning I got to sleep in until 7! You still wake up a couple of times every night but you go right back to sleep fairly quickly.

You crawl so fast now and you stand up on everything. You are starting to let go of stuff and just stand without holding on to anything and you are so close to walking. You have huge feet and I assume those will help you to walk at a very early age just like me.

You love reading books at night before bed your favorite one right now is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" You don't watch TV but if you hear the theme song to The Office you will stop what your doing to look at the opening credits (the song can even wake you up from a nap)

You have the sweetest personality and you're such a happy and funny baby. You're always smiling and now you do that funny chinaman smile which cracks me up every time. We just love you so much and I can't remember our life without you. I thank the Lord everyday that I have been so blessed to have you in my life. Happy 8 month Birthday Tyson!

It was quite hard getting your usual picture today of you sitting next to your sign in front of Payton. You never want to sit still anymore! Here are some of the out takes.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

So today was a big snow storm here in Frankfort but before it came we were able to make it to Gymboree (thank the Lord) it actually started snowing on us on our way home so we made it just in time! Today we were told that Ty would need to move up to the next class because he was just too advanced for his current one. Already an overachiever. Something funny that happened in class today, I was holding his hands helping him walk and while I did his pants and diaper fell completely down off his skinny butt. Since I was above him, i didn;t see it happen so one of the moms in the class had to tell me. Oops! The boy is so dang skinny I can't find pants that fit him!!

Ah so classy. Here is my son, playing with a box of beer on the floor.

He is starting to walk with walkers. Its funny because you can see the look of terror in Paris's eyes.

If you look closely in this picture, you can see that he doesn't have pants on at all in this picture. Even the fleece stretch pants I put on him when we got home because his jeans were too big fell off. I still have such a hard time believing that I have such a skinny baby after I was so fat.

And finally here I am shoveling snow. This was my first time to do it and it was hard! But I did get to avoid the gym tonight by shoveling for 45 minutes so it wasn't all bad.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ty the Chinaman

This is the new face that Ty makes anytime I get my camera out and say "smile." Actually I don't even have to say "smile" if he sees the flash he automatically goes into chinaman mode. I know that's not very P.C. of me but I don't care, its my blog and that's what he looks like.
I just love how his personality is starting to show and he is turning into a little person. He was so hyper tonight for some reason, stayed up until almost 9:00! I accused his father of giving him sugar while I was at the gym. He swears he didn't. I'm thinking it might just be that my little man is feeling 100% back to normal after being sick and he just wanted to smile.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rainy Day

Today was a nasty rainy day so Ty and I loaded up the car and headed to open gym at Gymboree. Apparently a lot of moms had this idea because the place was packed when we got there. Thats ok though because Ty just loves to watch other kids. He is so funny, once he gets warmed up to being there he goes from mom to mom patting them on the leg and getting them to hold out their hands so he can pull himself up. This in turn drives the other kids crazy because they do not appreciate their mom spending time with another baby. He doesn't care when I talk to another baby though, he's secure enough with himself to not mind. He is definitely not a shy baby which I find kind of odd.

Today's big milestone was climbing stairs, for real. He keeps going to the stairs we have in our town home here but he has yet to try and climb them. Today at Gymobree, he did.

All the young girls that are teachers at Gymboree love Ty so much and I think its because he's always dressed so cute. I dress him in very trendy attire so he looks like a little man and not a gay baby from the 1960s wearing John Johns. I've actually formed an alliance with some other moms in the class an we talk about the moms who dress their baby boys gay.

Ty could play for hours without getting fussy at Gymboree I just can not get over what a good baby he is. After an hour and a half though we left and he fell asleep on the way home. Such a fun day!

Oh and because I haven't posted them in a while here's a couple of my past facebook updates that I find entertaining:

moms who have more then one kid: is it possible to think that one of your kids is cuter then the other or do you have "mom goggles" on and think they're all equally cute? Obviously I think Ty is the cutest kid ever born what if my next kid is a sloth? Will I be able to tell the difference?

I feel sorry for kids these days. it is virtually impossible to get away with a prank call. some of my best memories were making prank calls and by that I mean telling my friend Hoss who to call and what to say while I listened on the other line.

yea bears won! its nice after a colossal fail season for the longhorns that the bears are doing well. also one of the moms in ty's gymboree class is cousins with a bears player and he's actually a decent well known player.

the groupon here today was half off "natural horse magazine" I don't know why but that made me chuckle.

I found a Target today that had people who looked like me. they were dressed nice, carried nice bags and had all their teeth. it was good to shop with my own kind again

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Project 365- Week 2

Just hanging out at home with a sweet baby who loves having his picture taken.

My new red rain boots that Patrick bought me for Christmas. I think I am in love.

Ty playing in the dogs's dish again.

Anyone who doubts my need of a $700 stroller again needs to look no further then this. That stroller is badass, it tears through snow.

Yellow Snow. Ok I know its gross but everyone always thinks its so funny to say "don't eat the yellow snow" and I have actually seen yellow snow now and I don't think I'd ever be tempted to try it out.

Sweet baby Ty has his first real sickness. A nasty sounding cough and chest congestion. Stupid germy kids at gymboree. Oh well I couldn't shelter him from others forever.

A sleepy Sunday. Sleeping off being sick, poor baby. Still looks super cute in his Bears jersey though.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Today was Gymboree day, the day we now look forward to all week long. While we were in class Ty screamed and squealed the entire time. All the moms kept laughing at him which only encouraged him. Them while we were doing singing circle time, Ty got bored and took off. I had to retrieve him crawling up a huge ramp which also impressed all the moms and teacher.

Ty was the only one in class that could wave and while we're at it I may as well share that he can also give you "high 5" and clap. Take that all you other average 7 month olds.

After Gymboree, we went to Whole Foods which was nice to go to a normal, clean grocery store where people looked nice, acted nice and had all their teeth. I am sick of the Walmart and Kroger in Frankfort. Do you know how hard it is to buy organic vegetables in Kentucky. No hippies here I suppose

Oh I had to include this last picture because I love it. Ty and Patrick were playing with the ball so I tried to use my cell phone camera to take a picture of them without Ty knowing so he wouldn't look directly at the camera and smile. The kid saw the flash and was able to get a pose out. He is just like me!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday (kind of)

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always.
As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.
-Robert Munsch

Monday, January 10, 2011


From my facebook today
Today at gymboree a lady told me that I had better be having more kids because Ty was just too cute for me to only have one of him. I need to populate this world with my good genes. Hey I think I kind of like these kentuckians.

And no I'm not lying she really said this to me, I couldn't make this stuff up.
I entered Ty in the Capital City Cutest Kid Contest today. I hope he wins. I don't even want the dumb prize, I just want the title. Kind of like a pageant mom but without the creepy spray tanning my baby.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project 365

I read a lot of blogs these days. Other mom blogs, fashion blogs, coupon blogs and something that I noticed a lot of them doing was something called Project 365.Project 365 is taking a picture every single day of something thats going on in your life. I thought this was such a cool idea and not a huge challenge since I pretty much take a picture of Ty every day anyway. So I decided what I will do is make a picture collage and post it once a week of all the pictures from the week and maybe write a one sentence description of what each picture is. So here is the first week of 2011...

1-At an awesome park we found here in KY. Complete with waterfalls, streams and elks that Payton chased after.
2-Ty dressed for the Chicago Bears game against the Packers
3-The view I see now everytime I eat. I have 3 beggars now Paris, Payton and Ty
4-Playing at home in a Nike track suit
5-Ty playing with Payton. He could seriously pull her ear off of her head and she wouldn't care.
6-Ty finally met Uncle Mike!
7-I took this because he cracks me up when he eats, he just shoves like 6 things in his mouth at once.
8-Ty discovered stairs, crap.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Nice to Meet You

Ty had a BIG day today! First, he met his great-uncle Mike. Mike came to visit us from Myrtle Beach finally. He always emails me to tell me how adorable Ty is and when he saw him today he said that he didn't think it was possible but Ty was even cuter in person.

We also had our first Gymboree class today and Ty absolutely loved it! He's in a gym class that's for 6-10 months and he could be moved up to the next class. He is so much more advance then everyone else in there. He was so friendly and well behaved. He was outgoing and went up to other babies, talked to them and wasn't scared of anything. He even went right up to the instructor and took a ball away from her. He also took ball away from 3 other kids, guess we're going to have to work on sharing.

He loved playing with the parachute and sliding on the slides. I couldn't believe how outgoing he was. Also it was kind of fun making all the other moms there feel a bit inadequate about how behind their own kids are so that being said here is my facebook post for the day before class:
"Ty starts his Gymboree class today. I'm so excited. Ty's a little nervous that the other babies won't like him. I told him that was impossible."
And after class:
"it brings me great joy that my child makes other mothers feel inadequate because he is so much more advanced then theirs. is that bad? ty crawled circles around the kids in his class today."

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Its what all bloggers do so here's my wordless wednesday...