Sunday, January 2, 2011


I thought I would try something else new too with this blog and add my daily facebook status update. Generally my facebook posts are hilarious and/or entertaining and I really want a record of them because a lot of times they are funny stories about Ty or Patrick and they're fun to read again. I really wish I could have them all printed out because I would love to re-read some of the ones from when I was pregnant. So here's what was posted today

Although he looks a little more like a Packers fan with the camo hat (they LOVE camo in Wisconsin) he does have on his Bears gear today so Ty says Go Bears!

The Bears played the Packers today (and lost) but it doesn't matter the Bears are already in the playoffs and the game was useless. We had a big day in Lexington today. We went to a cool restaurant called Old Chicago which was a pizza place. The girls working, of course, went crazy over Ty and how cute he was! Its getting harder and harder to get in and out of anywhere fast because I get stopped by everyone wanting to look at and talk to Ty. But hey I'll take it, its better then having an ugly baby who no one wants to look at.

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