Today was Gymboree day, the day we now look forward to all week long. While we were in class Ty screamed and squealed the entire time. All the moms kept laughing at him which only encouraged him. Them while we were doing singing circle time, Ty got bored and took off. I had to retrieve him crawling up a huge ramp which also impressed all the moms and teacher.

Ty was the only one in class that could wave and while we're at it I may as well share that he can also give you "high 5" and clap. Take that all you other average 7 month olds.
After Gymboree, we went to Whole Foods which was nice to go to a normal, clean grocery store where people looked nice, acted nice and had all their teeth. I am sick of the Walmart and Kroger in Frankfort. Do you know how hard it is to buy organic vegetables in Kentucky. No hippies here I suppose

Oh I had to include this last picture because I love it. Ty and Patrick were playing with the ball so I tried to use my cell phone camera to take a picture of them without Ty knowing so he wouldn't look directly at the camera and smile. The kid saw the flash and was able to get a pose out. He is just like me!!
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