Sunday, January 23, 2011

Week 3 Project 365

Jan 17th-Here's Ty in his Quacker Duck bath tub. He can probably bathe in the regular tub without the novelty blow up duck but he loves Dukie and when you squeeze his beak he quacks.

Jan 18th-Just hanging out at home and in a cute outfit.

Jan 19th- Not only is Paris sleeping on my bed, she's sleeping on my pillow. She thinks shes human.

Jan 20th- Early in the morning (so cute he still has his little sleepy eyes) playing with a box of beer that was left on the kitchen floor.

Jan 21st- Me shoveling snow for the first time in my life. I posted this pic on facebook and got a huge response. Everyone had to comment on how stylish I looked shoveling snow. What? Is there any other way?

Jan 22nd- Ty riding Paris like a horse. She growls the entire time he's on her back but its better then Payton, she just sits down automatically.

Jan 23-Ty sitting in his racetrack toy. The later pictures show him standing in it to reach something. He's such a brave little boy!

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