Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow Day

So today was a big snow storm here in Frankfort but before it came we were able to make it to Gymboree (thank the Lord) it actually started snowing on us on our way home so we made it just in time! Today we were told that Ty would need to move up to the next class because he was just too advanced for his current one. Already an overachiever. Something funny that happened in class today, I was holding his hands helping him walk and while I did his pants and diaper fell completely down off his skinny butt. Since I was above him, i didn;t see it happen so one of the moms in the class had to tell me. Oops! The boy is so dang skinny I can't find pants that fit him!!

Ah so classy. Here is my son, playing with a box of beer on the floor.

He is starting to walk with walkers. Its funny because you can see the look of terror in Paris's eyes.

If you look closely in this picture, you can see that he doesn't have pants on at all in this picture. Even the fleece stretch pants I put on him when we got home because his jeans were too big fell off. I still have such a hard time believing that I have such a skinny baby after I was so fat.

And finally here I am shoveling snow. This was my first time to do it and it was hard! But I did get to avoid the gym tonight by shoveling for 45 minutes so it wasn't all bad.

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