Friday, January 21, 2011

8 Months

Ty you're 8 months old today! I can't believe how the time is flying by. It seems like only yesterday you were still in my belly.
You clapped today for the first time when I was singing "If You're Happy and You Know It." So now you wave, you clap and you give us 5.
You weigh around 16.5 pounds and you're 29 inches tall. You're in the 5 percentile for weight but in the 90 percentile for height. Tall and skinny. You can still wear 3-6 month clothes and you can wear 6-9 month stuff as long as they're not pants because those won't stay up on you.

You go to sleep around 7:30 every night and wake up around 4:30 but go right back to sleep when I bring you to sleep with me. This morning I got to sleep in until 7! You still wake up a couple of times every night but you go right back to sleep fairly quickly.

You crawl so fast now and you stand up on everything. You are starting to let go of stuff and just stand without holding on to anything and you are so close to walking. You have huge feet and I assume those will help you to walk at a very early age just like me.

You love reading books at night before bed your favorite one right now is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" You don't watch TV but if you hear the theme song to The Office you will stop what your doing to look at the opening credits (the song can even wake you up from a nap)

You have the sweetest personality and you're such a happy and funny baby. You're always smiling and now you do that funny chinaman smile which cracks me up every time. We just love you so much and I can't remember our life without you. I thank the Lord everyday that I have been so blessed to have you in my life. Happy 8 month Birthday Tyson!

It was quite hard getting your usual picture today of you sitting next to your sign in front of Payton. You never want to sit still anymore! Here are some of the out takes.

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