First let me start off with, isn't that shirt cute? I found it at Kohls the other day for $10 and I believe my first clothing purchase ever at Kohls. I love it! Ok so back to some 10 month updates. Oh and there is one major element of these pictures missing but she is already back in Austin and unavailable for the monthly picture.
Ty, at 10 months you are the sweetest, most loving baby ever. You love giving hugs and kisses and you wave and say hi to everyone. You always have a smile too for anyone who even looks your way. I'm not sure how you got so sweet with parents like us, you must have inherited that from your grammy!
You just started walking about a day before you turned 10 months. You're not
walking in the real sense of the word but you can stand completely on your own for as long as you want to and you are taking several steps so as far as record books are concerned, you started walking at 9 months. When you do walk I feel like you should be saying "Brains" as you look much like a zombie, looking for brains to eat. Everywhere we go people can not believe how young you are because you are so mature and so advanced. You point at everything now and where you want to go. You also recently became very obsessed with cars, trucks and tractors. All of the sudden you like your stroller so we have been taking a ton of walks lately i this beautiful Kentucky spring weather and you are so happy just watching cars.

Tonight, you mooed like a cow when I asked you what the cow says which was the first time I've heard you do that. I've also heard you say uh-oh twice but can't get you to say it again for some reason. You love books. You read them on your own when you're playing and you sit quietly and listen when I read them to you. You also love music and I'm trying to decide if you're going to play the piano or the violin when you turn 3. You are doing much better in the car, as long as you either have food or something to play with. I'm about to get you a new big boy carseat so you'll be able to see out the window and I think you being able to see all the cars and trucks will help.

You say mama and dada all the time but not when calling us. You just say it while you're playing I'm fairly certain you will start addressing us by our names soon. Oh yeah I almost forgot, I can see a tooth now. Your first tooth is finally out and coming up. So it probably goes without saying that you've been teething pretty badly and not sleeping very well at night. I'm tired but you're so perfect in every other way I honestly don't mind my lack of sleep, its not that bad I just pretend that it is when your father is around so he feels sorry for me.
Happy 10 Month Birthday Ty!!
"While we try to teach our children all about life,
Our children teach us what life is all about."
~Angela Schwindt