Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wagon Wednesday

Today was a glorious day. The sun was out and it got up to at least 65 degrees. We went over to our friends house to go on a walk. Sadly one of her dogs had passed away since the last time we were there (2 weeks ago) and her other one was super depressed so I decided that visiting with paris and payton would cheer him up and sure enough it did. We loaded the boys into the wagon, the little 4 month old baby Elsy babysits 2 times a week (we call her elf because, well, she looks like one) and the 3 dogs. We were quite a site 3 babies 3 dogs. Funny thing is we still got a honk from a passing truck. Probably because I had on shorts and they don't see legs very often in these parts, this time of year. We had a nice walk and Ty really enjoyed the wagon. Elsy made sure to bring toys for the boys to play with in case they got bored she said "I brought vincents most complicated toy for ty to have to keep him entertained" I love her she is in awe of my child's intelligence and she's not afraid to say it I'm going to miss her so much! I can't believe I'm leaving kentucky in a month! The time flew by and I miss austin, I do but is it bad that I'm not looking forward to leaving here? This is why I don't make friends where we live for 5 months only ever did I make friends with the bartenders at the closest bar before and this is why! 

Oh and BTW Ty's shirt has a picture of a chick on it and underneath that it says magnet. So cute but apparently very hard to photograph. 

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