Monday, March 28, 2011

30 Things About Me

The on all of the blogs that I read, the moms are doing a list of things about themselves. The number of things you write is dependent upon your age i.e. since I'm 30 I have 30 things. I've also peppered the list with pictures I've taken with my camera phone to hold anyones interest who could careless about me and reads this blog strictly for the Ty updates.

(This is a really high trampoline at Gymboree. While I wasn't looking for 2 seconds Ty had pulled himself up on this. Just thought it was funny)

1. I want to own a race horse. If I did own one I would name her zuzu's petals 

2. If we ever own a boat someday we're naming it Cassus Beli. Its a line from a seinfeld and I learned in one of my greek classes at UT it means occassion for war. Cool huh? 

3. Ever since we've been together my husband and I have discussed what we would name things including kids. 

4. I attended UT for almost 10 years. I still miss going to class wish I could afford to be a student forever. 

5. If I could live anywhere in the world it would be chicago

6. My husband and I have been to vegas 3 times together and can't wait to go back. We always swore we'd never take our kids there but now I don't know. 

7. I desperately want a girl but it would be so much cheaper to have another boy so I honestly don't care what the next one is

8. The next baby will either be Brooks or Brooklyn

9. My favorite chore is laundry especially folding it. I pretend I'm working at a department store

10. I am the worst packer ever. On my honeymoon in vegas I forgot to pack my makeup. On my trip to myrtle beach I forgot a bathing suit 

11. I actually want 4 kids but only if I can afford them otherwise I will probably just stop at 2. 

12. I'm looking forward to drinking at Ty's little league and football games. I'm happy to be "that mom" 

13. I love The Office I could watch my dvds all day everyday and often do. 

14. I didn't take my first plane flight until I was 19 but ever since I've flown a ton a lot more then most people because of patrick's job

15. My kids will be very well travelled and well educated on different cultures. I love history and intend on passing that on to them. 

16. One time I asked my husband what he loved most about me and he said "you're really good at history". Hmmmm I think he was kidding 

17. I love mexican food. 

18. I've never ridden a horse despite the fact I've lived in texas most of my life and kentucky (the horse capital of the world) for 6 months. 

19. I love the beach and want to live in a beach city so bad. 

20. I love fashion. I live my life planning outfits for the next event. 

21. I love being a mom so much. I never had any idea I would love it this much. 

22. I was a party girl big time before my baby. I will be again as soon as I'm done with babies. 

23. I love dogs. I love my dogs. I can't wait to get another dog. When I do I'm naming her Pippa. 

24. I've lost all my sports mojo since having a baby. I used to win everything. Fantasy football, basketball office polls, bowl game pick ems. 

25. I could beat anyone at seinfeld trivia. 

26. I love firework shows. My husband loves those stupid loud popper fireworks I hate them. He actually keeps extra in his truck because you never know when he'll need them. 

27. I love weddings I wish I could have another one. Same guy though. 

28. I love my church and I love studying the bible and reading inspirational faith based books. It all has totally improved my outlook on life. 

29. I love planning parties including ones being thrown for me by others. 

30. I hate hippies. 

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