Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Project 365- Week 7

Feb 21- Still in Austin. My friend Laura took Ty's 9 month pictures. He would not smile at all no matter what I did. Turns out he was about to get sick so that's why I didn't get any smiles. The pictures still turned out great though they look kind of artsy and serious.
Feb 22- Here's a picture of the "ticket" I got while I was getting my hair done. Austin is so stupid and wasteful I got a warning for putting the piece of paper that I paid for my parking spot on the wrong side of the car's window. Give me a break.
Feb 23- Warm enough to wear his new shorts. He loves his basketball toy that I left in Austin. He knew to put the ball through the basket. Do I have a basketball player on my hands? Doubt it, he's white.
Feb 24- Look how sick he looks! You can just see it in his eyes! I know I've already used this picture but its the only picture I took this day. Poor baby!
Feb 25- I already used this one too but its fast becoming my favorite picture ever its just so sweet. I love that Ty gives hugs now!
Feb 26- The official 9 month shot. I did get the real one but I thought this one was funny because he took off so fast and left Payton with the sign. It's so hard to get him to sit still for his picture anymore. I can't even imagine what it will be like when he can walk!
Feb 27- These are the only pictures I took today. I'm selling all my super skinny-will never fit again- jeans on ebay and I had to photograph all of them . Good times.

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