Friday, March 18, 2011

St. Patty's Day

I've always liked St. Patrick's Day and I don't know why. Maybe I like the fact that its a holiday in which the only way to celebrate it is to drink all day or maybe because I've always looked so good in green. Either way I'm kind of excited now because I'm married to an Irish guy (well at least part Irish his name is Patrick) and that makes my child half Irish so now I'm Irish by association and therefore have a legit reason to celebrate it.

Of course this year since I have a baby I couldn't exactly do a pub crawl but I still had a pretty good time. Ty and I took our morning walk to Starbucks in our matching green and got many-a-compliments then we went to Gymboree where I suddenly regretted not ordering a special ST. Patrick's Day shirt/outfit because all the other kids had one on and looked so cute! The moms didn't look as cute as me though and lets be honest the kids didn't compare to Ty in his spring 2011 green polo shirt.

For supper we didn't have any kid of Irish fair but we did have fancy pants Omaha Steaks. My parents got Patrick a gift certificate from there for his birthday because there are few things in this world that Patrick gets more excited about then meat. And keeping true to form he was soooo excited about this gift certificate. They were good. He made grilled mushrooms and onions and Ty ate his weight in mushrooms. Ty never ceases to amaze me. He eats and loves everything and its awesome makes it so easy on me. So anyway we had a great St. Patty's Day now on to Easter (and you better believe I'm getting special Easter outfits for Ty).

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