Friday, March 4, 2011

Heeeeeee's Back

I got my smiley, happy, sweet baby back. He is finally feeling better and back to his old self. I wish he would never get sick again!
We went to a new park today that ran along the Kentucky River. There was also a Civil War Battlefield there so we walked through that (yes I had the dogs too) and I read Ty all about the battles there and about the special kinds of rock fences that Frakfort specialized in. Its never too soon to start instilling a love of history in my child!

At Gymboree class the other day we had mom discussion time about reading to our kids. I got to brag about Ty only having books on the most recent plane trip and no toys. I walked in on him in the room the other day and he was reading on his own! The boy loves books. And another way that I have realized he's smarted then the other babies his age is that he never ever eats the books or puts them in his mouth. He only ever reads them. The other moms were talking about how they like the cloth books and the bath time books because their kids love eating the books. Ha! Not Ty and I guess I had never thought about it before until I heard the other moms talking. Just another way that my son is smarter then every other baby.

Oh and one more thing, I was going to post this on Facebook the other day but didn't because I figured I would have a lot of angry comments:
The difference between the moms in Austin and Kentucky is every mom in Austin think their baby is the smartest, cutest baby ever to be born the moms in Kentucky think that mine is. I'm going to miss these hicks.

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