Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Pugh's Visit Kentucky

Yay my family came all the way to Kentucky to pick up my car and dogs and take them back to Austin. How awesome is my family to spend their spring break to come and help us out? They do so much for us all the time I just don't know what I'd do without them!! Anyway while they were here we didn't do a whole lot since (surprise, surprise) the weather was cold, rainy and disgusting. We did make it to Gymboree though and a good time was had by all.
 Ty is getting so close to walking I really think it is going to happen any day now. He can stand alone forever and he can take 4 steps in between Patrick and I. I'm hoping he can walk by at least Easter because I think walking around after easter eggs will be so cute!

 Let me just say I miss my dogs so much! I didn't realize what a good job they really did at keeping my floors clean. I have had to get out my shop vac 3 times today to clean up after Ty!

Only 2 more weeks until we are back in Austin! Figures the weather would get super nice here and we have to leave.

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