Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Woke Up This Morning, With Texas On My Mind

Trying to wear my child out totally wears me out. In the end all that we do all day long works and Ty goes right to sleep now and only wakes up once a night but it is exhausting! By the time he goes to sleep at approximately 7:30 I seriously want to crawl into bed myself. We sure do have fun though! Here is a picture of Ty enjoying his first ever happy meal. He had chicken nuggets and fries and loved them. He also got some weird pac man toy which as soon as I gave it to him, he promptly chunked at Paris and made her nervous the rest of the afternoon whenever she saw it.

Today when Ty woke up from his nap (prematurely since idiot Paris barked at Patrick coming in the door) he was in a bad mood. He immediately perked up though when he saw his daddy. Since Patrick was dirty from work he had to run upstairs to change and when he left the room Ty had a breakdown like he does as if it were I leaving. Patrick was so excited and touched by this he said "that means he really loves me." Well duh.

Went to the park and yes its still freaking cold here. Only one more month until we're back in hot weather. I miss hot weather, I miss getting into a car and I miss going to the park without having to put a ton of clothes on me and Ty. 

Oh and a few more things I wanted to update on what Ty has been up to/can do now.
Patrick has taught his how to turn off light switches and how to open and close the microwave door which is quite a feat since that door is rather difficult to open and kind of sticks.
He has also started pointing at things that he wants or places he wants to go to which is so cute.
Today at Gymboree he continued to impress all the other moms with his sweetness and sensitivity. He's now known as "Old Man Ty" because they say he is an old soul. He cruises around the gym checking on the crying babies and if one of them hits him or takes something away he calmly will place a hand on them to let them know what they did was wrong, but thats ok with him. I however am in the background trying to get him to hit them back. 

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