Thursday, March 10, 2011

Monkey Joe's

Oh what a fun day we had today. The weather has been just disgusting all week (in fact its snowing right now) so after gymboree me and my friend decided to take the boys to a place called monkey joes. Its a big place filled with bouncy castles

We had been to one in austin before but a. it was ghetto and dirty and b. ty was way too young to enjoy it. We walked in today and his eyes just lit up. They had a special play area for kids 3 and under and Ty crawled and threw himself around everywhere. He even climbed up these stairs and slid down the slide by himself. During our time at monkey joes 3 little girls about 3-4 years old decided to hang out with ty. After he gave them all hugs and kisses they were smitten. Here's a pic of them in a little boat together 

(I'm so mad all I had was my cell phone camera today. Elsy had her camera but I don't know how long it will take her to email me the pics) the little girls kept kissing ty's hand and then he would hug and kiss them. I swear I am in trouble I have a ladies man and he's 9 months old! What am I going to do when he's in high school? I'm sure he'll be ok though. I'm going to try and keep him in church and raise him right so he turns out like colt mccoy. Anyway that was Ty's big day we have to go back before we leave! I really want  patrick to see him playing and having a good time. Sometimes I think patrick is scared of ty, like scared to go out in public with him or something like ty will have a crying breakdown and he can only be out of the house 2 hours at a time. This was the case like 7 months ago but not anymore ty is so much fun and my little sidekick.

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