Sunday, March 6, 2011

Project 365- Week 8

Paris is finally letting Ty get close to her. Here he is pulling himself up on her. I think the fact that he throws her so much food has helped develop their relationship. 

Payton was laying on the pillow like a person so Patrick decided to throw a baby on top of her. 

Here we are at the park and he's sitting in the front seat while I get the Bjorn on. He's very intently examining my starbucks cup. Isn't his jean jacket so cute and stylish? 

If you're happy and you know it clap your hands. 

This is first book I knew how to "read" I bought it for Ty today at Target to start reading it to him. 

One of Ty's favorite things to do is empty my laundry basket. That's what he's doing here and he's so excited.

This kid can climb the stairs like a pro now. As soon as I see him round the corner to start the stairs I've got to get up and go after him. 

Oh and one more thing tonight for the first time Ty stomped his feet for the song "If You're Happy and You Know it"  it was so exciting. The first time he ever clapped his hands was while I was singing it. He apparently loves this song now all he needs to be able to do is "shout hooray!" 

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