Where the DeWilde Things Are

Lately I've really been wanting another baby. There are a lot of reasons I want to have my 2nd one so close to Ty and there are a lot of reasons not to. I didn't make a pros and cons list and I didn't sit down and make a detailed budget for the next 10 years this time I prayed. I've been praying a lot lately and can I just say that it has improved my attitude towards just about everything (ok yes I do still make fun of all the ugly hicks here but I make up for by praying for forgiveness each night so that makes it all ok, right?). Anyway I asked God to show me a sign to let me know that I should have a baby now and sure enough 2 days ago he did. I was driving home from play group and I happened to look in the sky and saw a double rainbow. I saw a double rainbow a week after I conceived Ty and asked for a sign that I was pregnant. And here's the kicker both times there had been no rain. So needless to say that's a pretty clear sign that I should go ahead and have a baby. I honestly don't care what I have either there are, again, pluses and minuses for either sex however the chinese calendar does say I will have a girl if I get pregnant this month. Oh and the title of this blog post will be the name of my new blog should I have another child.
So I'd like to leave you with this quote I got out of the book I just read
"Change is not only a part of life ; change is a necessary part of God's strategy. To use us to change the world, he alters our assignment. "
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