Saturday, February 26, 2011

Poor Sick Baby

My poor baby is still sick! he has been sick since Wednesday and I feel so bad for him (and me, its hard taking care of a sick baby for that long). This evening after his last nap he finally started to show some signs that he might be getting better. He started talking again and he was playing with Payton. Here he is giving her a hug is this not the cutest thing you've ever seen?
I've got a story from today that just proves how smart my baby truly is. We have these round magnets on our fridge that hold up pictures. For some reason there was one on my bathroom floor (I'm assuming Ty took it up there at some point and dropped it). Well why I was going potty today and Ty was sitting on the floor, he picked it up and started to try and stick it to the bathroom door. He knew what he was supposed to do with a magnet. Then I asked Patrick if he ever lets Ty play with the magnets and apparently while I'm at the gym and they're making dinner Patrick has taught Ty about magnets and what to do with them. I just think that that is so smart of him!
Anyway, here's hoping the poor thing is back to himself tomorrow. Look at the pictures of him, you can totally tell how sick he is. He just looks sick.

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