Saturday, February 12, 2011

But I Can't Help Falling in Love With You

 That used to be one of my favorite songs as a kid. I bought my first Elvis cd (or was it a tape?!?) just to have that song. Today they played that song at the end of Ty's valentines day party and as it played I totally teared up and the song had all new meaning. All of the sudden it was the greatest song ever written and I was determined it was not written about the love between a man and a woman but of the love of a mother for her son. We had such a great time today at our party! We accidentally got there an hour early so Ty and I went and had a grilled cheese sandwich lunch at Panera Bread to kill the time. I figured there was no way he'd make it thru the entire hour and a half party but he did and had a wonderful time doing so ( he did fall asleep seconds after I put him in his car seat though). So I am convinced that having a kid makes everything better, well except football season but that's just temporary. Ty has done the impossible and actually made me like valentines day! The party was just so cute! There were crafts and games and songs and Ty's favorite the parachute. He also got a balloon and let me tell you this child is obsessed with balloons I'm getting him some mylar ones from walmart on monday! Ty was of course the youngest baby there but he kept up nicely with the big kids he's just so mature for his age! Anyway we had such a fun day and I am so lucky to have such an awesome valentine this year and now every year. Sorry Patrick you're out, Ty's in.

Take my hand, take my whole life too but I can't help falling in love with you.

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