Friday, February 18, 2011

What?!? Kentucky Has Nice Weather?

Of course as soon as I leave Kentucky for Austin, the weather decides to turn nice. The day before we left it got up to 68 degrees, no humidity, and a slight breeze. In a word, Perfect. So we went over to Ty's friend's (and I do suppose my friend too) house. She too has 2 dogs so I brought over my 2 dogs so everyone could play. We walked the trails by her house which went by a couple of horse farms and Elsy (my friend) was so impressed with how well behaved and what good walkers my dogs were. She is jealous of my baby, my dogs, my diaper bag and I'm fairly sure she would steal my stroller given the opportunity. It's so nice that people look up to me and admire me. So often do I look at other familys and women and long to have what they have and think that they have it better. So I do enjoy when someone can actually admit that they like what I have and look up to me (I know there are others who like to copy everything I do but they'll never admit they're jealous of me). Anyway we had a great day with the boys playing outside and the dogs all playing together.

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