Thursday, February 3, 2011

Joy of Love Assignment 3

How long have you known your loved one?  What has changed since you first met him or her?  Try to capture this change in photos. it would be even cooler if you can show a photo from the time you first met him and put it side by side with a now photo. Or have your loved one hold the “Then” photo and snap the camera!

From 2 days old, the kid was photogenic. I can't believe how much he's changed in just 8 short months of being on this planet. He is so bright and he does everything with such determination. He's the only baby in his gymboree class that can wave and clap and he did so through the entire class today distracting even the teacher with his cuteness. Ty is happy and he knows it so he claps his hands. How did I get so lucky? 

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