Saturday, February 5, 2011

Joy of Love Assignment 5

05 love to hate

You KNOW your loved one does something that drives you NUTS (but you LOVE to complain about it and the day just wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t have to complain about it). 

When I first saw this assignment I didn't think it was going to be possible. Most of the time I feel as though Ty can do no wrong and never will. Then I gave him a pretzel and I was quickly reminded that there was something that bugs the crap out of me but dang it if its not the cutest thing. See his face and how dirty he is? That was after one skinny little pretzel stick. I shudder to think what its going to be like when I start letting him feed himself! I understand that he's a baby and babies are just messy and dirty but before baby I used to be so obsessed and careful with my appearance. Makeup was always done, every hair in place. Now I'm constantly covered in something from the baby and sticky and smelly and dirty but I really don't mind because just look at the mug on that kid. Gets me every time!

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