Monday, February 21, 2011

9 Months Old

Happy 9 Month Birthday Ty! I didn't take the "official" picture today because I'm in Austin and a big part of the picture is in Kentucky so we will take the picture on Thursday when we're reunited with Payton. My friend Laura also took some pictures today too so I will post those as soon as she's done editing. I'm not sure how well they'll turn out though because Ty was in a foul mood and refused to smile but we'll see. Anyway here's what you're up to these days, at 9 months old Ty:

You are an incredibly loving an affectionate little boy. You give everyone hugs including but not limited to Kitty, the dogs, all the moms at gymboree and everyone in our family. You will also hug a baby if they're hurt and crying and you even add a little back pat in too. All the moms at Gymboree are so jealous that I have such a huggy baby and they wish so much their child was like you.

You've just recently started dancing at your play table when the music plays. Its hilarious.

You are so close to walking. The other day you stood for a whole minute by yourself. You cruise around on everything you can pull yourself up on and I can tell you're thinking about just letting go and taking off but then you sit and crawl to where you need to go.

You started using a straw this month and you've started showing interest in feeding yourself with a spoon.

You like to share your toys with mama (you still don't let daddy play with your stuff) and you are also sharing food with everyone including Paris and Payton. They really love you right now for that!

You give me kisses but only when I get home from the gym. You have this little frog toy that you like to hug and kiss and you gave the big clown, Gymbo, a kiss at the Valentines day party. Your kisses are just you opening your mouth and putting it on something but I know what you're doing.

You can say mama, dada, ball, hey and yay. You like to wave and say hey to strangers at Walmart.

I left you for the first time with someone else this past Sunday at the church nursery. You almost made it for the entire service but they had to page me to come get you when you wouldn't stop crying. Apparently mama was supposed to pack a snack and didn't so you got upset when all the other kids were eating and wouldn't share with you.

You're growing up so fast and you're just so smart and funny and cute and sweet and the absolute perfect baby. You're so sweet you make mama want to have lots of babies, as long as they all turn exactly like you.

Here's a funny comparison. While we were visiting Austin you saw your baby bounce seat and really wanted to get in it. Look how much you've grown!
Here are some pictures from your 9 month appointment. You weighed 17 pounds (5 percentile) you were 29.5 inches (80 percentile) and your head was in the 67 percentile. Dr Johnny said you were incredibly advanced and healthy and was so happy  that I haven't let you watch TV and that you love books!

I like this picture because when you're on a hard surface and you're wearing shorts you walk up on your feet as to not hurt your knees.

Here you are with Kitty. She's so sweet and lets you pinch her and pull her fur and she doesn't scratch you.

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