Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

So we had an excellent valentines day. It started off with patrick making me heart shaped pancakes before he went to work, isn't that sweet? Then after Ty's morning nap we went to walmart and got a balloon which was Ty's gift this year. I also got the girls some peanut butter for their gift. Then as a Vday treat for the dogs we went to their favorite park and I let payton swim and paris off leash for just a little while. Then we went home for lunch and a nap before heading off to gymboree for open gym. His friend Vincent was there and there were actually quite a few babies there today around Ty's age. Ty likes to run with the older kids and he really does pick on the ones younger. Today he took their balls away and even pushed one kid down, uh oh do I have a bully on my hands? I'm convinced he's not doing it maliciously he's just trying to play with them and they just happen to be sissys. He played for a long time and then an asian baby showed up and he and his friend vince would not leave her alone. They followed her everywhere and harassed her. It just cracks me up how obsessed he is with asian babies! So anyway happy valentines day to my big almost 9 month old hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!! 

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