Sunday, February 6, 2011

Kentucky Diaper Derby

Just wanted to document Ty's first sports competition. He was in a crawling race on Saturday at Babies R Us and he did great. He won the first race of the day, totally smoked the other babies. He did advance to the Championship race but ended up losing to an oversized, hick baby named Levi. Ty was the youngest baby in the tournament so considering that he did awesome. Had he been huge and old like the baby who won the 3 months worth of diapers, he probably would have won too. I fear that I will be the mom that gets kicked out of childrens sporting events. I was already talking trash and accusing babies, yes babies, of cheating. Not sure whats wrong with me.

At least we got a gift card but I really didn't want any of the prizes I just wanted the win.

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