Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Asian Persuasion

Today at Gymboree there was a little Asian baby laying on a mat. She was younger than Ty which is unusual as Ty is almost always the youngest kid in open gym (something about new moms not wanting their babies to get hurt by the big kids blah blah blah) Since she was younger all she could do was lay there and all Ty could do was stare. He was obsessed and I think I know why. When he was tiny I hung an Anne Geddes picture on the wall next to his changing table and he would stare and smile at it. In fact it was the first thing Ty smiled at. What was the picture of you ask? It was an Asian baby dressed in a butterfly costume, just laying there. Now I tried to take Ty and put him in other areas of the gym yet he made his way back to the baby, every time. It is my belief that he thought this was the baby from the picture and he was trying to ask her where her butterfly outfit was. It was quite entertaining and hilarious.

When we got back from gymboree daddy took Ty to the grocery store with him to buy ingredients for dinner while I got to go workout. Its funny when Patrick gets to experience everyone fawning over Ty and and how cute he is. He said he got stopped by everyone, including the lady in the liquor store. Yep he took the baby into a liquor store. What? Its Kentucky.

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