Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Joy of Love February 2011

So I found another fun thing to do involving all my pictures. Willette Photography & More is offering a free class that focuses on finding the Joy of Love in your everyday life. They send out daily prompts for the month of February, along with photography tips & tutorials. So now I'm taking pictures with a purpose.

Here's the first prompt:
01: what they do

This can apply to anything your loved ones “do”….what do they do for work? What do they do for play? What chores do they do around the house? Find something they “DO” and document it

So what does Ty do? He stays very busy all day and loves playing with the dogs and his toys but especially his daddy. Patrick works hard everyday at his job as a superintendent, however his work is never done as when he comes home he gets started right away on my dinner and its always yummers. Sometimes he comes home at his lunch just to make my lunch.In this picture he had even cut my dinner up to make it easier for me to eat.

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