Saturday, February 12, 2011

My Valentine

So I am torn, do I impose my severe hatred of valentines day on my son or let him decide on his own what a stupid "holiday" it is. We're going to a little vday party at gymboree tomorrow but I can't decide if I should get him a little gift or not to start a tradition. Maybe it would help me to like the holiday more?!? Today I made Ty a turkey burger patty and I put a slice of cheese on it. Patrick said oh what's the special occassion (I guess he was talking about the cheese) and I said well he's my valentine and then patrick said "good does that mean I don't have to do anything for you this year?" Um we've been married 2 years but together a total of 10 he has never done anything for me, ever. And not because he's mean but because I've asked him not to but anyway I was rather rude about it because he acted like he was so relieved to be off the hook this year since ty was my valentine. Whatever! 

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