Tuesday, February 15, 2011

World's Sweetest Baby

I am amazed at how sweet and compassionate Ty is. Today at gym he went to every single one of the moms and gave them a hug then patted their leg. Then he went over to his friend Lola who had just fallen and was crying and he hugged her then patted her on the head. All the moms in there freaked!! They could not believe how sweet such a young baby is and were all so jealous that their own weren't like that! I too cannot believe that he is like that consdiering how unaffectionate his father and I are. Patrick said he's trying to compensate for our lack of hugging because he feels the world needs more hugs. Uh oh do I have a hippy on my hands?!? I actually despise giving people hugs and only do it once a year- at chrsitmas time. One of the moms even commented on how he has great potential to be a dr and to make sure I put that in his baby book. I said "dang I was hoping for an athlete but I suppose I could deal with him being a dr :). "  Only 2 more days until we leave for austin!! 

I only took one picture today (we were busy and I forgot) so here are a couple from last week that I liked and I don't think I shared with anyone. 

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