Monday, February 7, 2011

Joy of Love Assignment 6 and 7

day 06′s theme is the ones they love.
I'm skipping day 7 because its supposed to be a picture of several generations and since I am in Kentucky I'm not really in the position to take pictures of several generations of my family. 

06 the ones they love

Ty loves his toys specifically Sophie the Giraffe. He has loved her since he was tiny and I do believe she is loved (for some odd reason) by every single baby in the world. He has this little race track toy that spins and shoots out a winning race car when its done. Ty has started putting in all of his toys and watching them spin (he learned from watching his daddy do it) its quite hilarious. He also likes to stand up on it too not the safest thing in the world but he's a little boy who likes to take risks. Oh and I had to include his daddy because Ty certainly does love him.

On another note Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband and even better father Patrick today! He's 35 years old. Dang y'all he's old!

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