Friday, February 18, 2011


Well we made it to austin! Ty had 2 pretty good flights. The first one from Lexington to Dallas he slept most of it (thank goodness since its a 2 hour flight). The second flight was a bit rockier. We had to rush to our next flight so poor Ty had no down time between flights so that was no bueno. Then we had to climb over 2 men to get to our cramped window seat and it was hot. Ty had a meltdown. He started screaming so I figured I would try to feed him. Well since it was so hot Ty would not let me use my nursing cover to cover up so in order to stop the screaming I had to feed him totally in the open. Now remember the 2 men I mentioned I had to climb over? The one sitting right next to and right next to my child breastfeeding was a catholic priest. Yeah I'm not making this up. I was so embarrassed and he was making it so obvious that he wasn't looking and then he plugged his ears. Ty finally settled down before the plane took off and was fine the rest of the flight thank the good Lord (maybe the priest called in a favor). I thought I would mention that I only took books on the flight with me, no toys. The boy loves him some books.

When we got to my parent's house I immediately let Ty sit outside in the warm weather. He kicked his legs in the grass like he was so excited.

Then of course we swang in his favorite swing.

And this is what I saw hanging from a tree in my parents yard. Oh Austin, how I've missed you and all your hippies especially my brother.

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