Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project 365- Week 4

January 31- I've blogged previously about them but here they are in all their British Rocker glory, Ty's skinny jeans (which have actually turned into my absolute favorite jeans he has). The picture was taken at Gymboree (of course we live there!!).
February 1-This is one of Ty's favorite and oldest toy. My mom bought it for him before he could even sit up and he has always loved it but especially now. He plays with it forever. Its actually been hidden for a while though because it makes the most annoying sound.
February 2- Daddy pushing Ty around on his little car. They were chasing the dogs. Good times.
February 3- Patrick actually took this one. Ty loves eating the dog leashes and Patrick caught him hanging out under his high chair, gnawing on a leash.
February 4-Here's Ty hanging out in the back seat with his first friend Vincent. They're both chewing on a baby mum mum in their matching car seats. So cute!
February 5- Diaper Derby at the Babies R Us. At first I was mad that Patrick didn't film Ty winning his race then I thought "wait a minute, my husband is hanging out at a Babies R us with me while I race our child on a Saturday" He was quickly forgiven.
February 6- Super Bowl Sunday. Went to open gym and I love this picture because Ty looks like he is in jail. Lets hope its not foreshadowing...

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