Thursday, February 10, 2011

entry from my phone... cool

so this is my first post ever from my cell phone  seriously i  can officially do everything from my blackberry  now back to my original post

We went to gymboree today but I don't think ty was really feeling. He's been sick with a cold all week and I just don't think he's 100% back to himself just yet. I was not feeling it either I think I'm getting sick and thanks to ty being sick I only got 2 hours of sleep last night. These are the days when I question wanting to have another baby soon! We get to go to austin in one week from today and I am so excited! I looked and the forecasted high is 74 degrees. I am wearing flip flops if its warm enough or not this cold weather is starting to get to me and the dogs I think. I can only walk them a few minutes at a time it was 2 degrees this morning no one should be out in that weather ever! I am anxious to see where patricks next job is and where we'll spend the summer. I'm sure it will be somewhere with extreme heat but that will be ok jheat is better then bitter cold heat I understand, I get it, I can handle it.
Oh one quick funny thing that ty does all the time at gymboree-he does everything that the other moms are trying to get their own kids to do ie clap, wave climb up a big step I guess to show off. He's just so advanced and smart for his age it never ceases to amaze me! Also today one of the moms went on and on about how big his hands were. He gets that from his mama. I have huge hands and monkey long arms. Good for ty though should help him out in his athletic endeavors one day.

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