Thursday, February 24, 2011

Project 365- Week 6

Welcome to the Week 6 Wrap Up (almost a week late!) We were in Austin for half of this week and we had a great time except that both of us were sick for collectively the entire time we were there. Boo. Oh well at least it was warm and I had my mom. 

February 14- Valentines Day. Since I already did the big collage of Ty's 1st Vday I thought I'd use this picture of us at the park with Payton in the background. It was still a little chilly but it was warmer then usual so we had to spend it outdoors.
February 15- Its the picture with Ty playing with his friend in his front yard. I love this picture because of Ty and Payton- a boy and his dog.
February 16- One of Ty's favorite things to do now is to unload everything. Here he's throwing all his diapers on the floor right before bed.
February 17- In Austin at my favorite restaurant Serranos.
February 18- After Ty's 9 month Dr Appointment we went over to Sarabeth's house and he got to play with Aubrey for a little while. She was super excited and brought Ty every one of her toys that she could find.
February 19- Oma and Opa came over to visit Ty and he even let Oma feed him (its rare he allows anyone but me feed him)
February 20- Here's Ty playing with all the "new" toys at Grammys house. He's wearing his new big boy 2 piece pajamas well the top piece anyway the pants fell off, they're too big. Of course.

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