Its easy for me to take my camera to fun places like the zoo or museum to take pictures and write about on the blog, those places lend to great photo opps and fun stories to tell however someday when I'm looking back on all these entries, I want to see and read about what a normal day was like so I now present a day in the life of Ty and Mama...
Here we are at breakfast. This is the biggest meal of the day for him, he appears to be like me. I could skip lunch and dinner but I need a big breakfast and I need it as soon as I wake up. Oh and yep I feed my child off a paper plate and have him drink out of solos. That weird straw is a magic straw that turns milk chocolate when it passes thru it. This is one of the only ways I can get him to drink milk and even then its only occasionally.
After breakfast its off to find one of the animals to harass. Its usually the poor kitty. Never have I seen a cat sweeter or more patient then this one. Ty pulls her legs, constantly tries to pick her up and even sat on her the other day and the cat has never scratched or bit him. This kitty never even draws her claws and the only time I’ve ever seen her swat her paw at something was when Paris was bugging her. I love this cat and clearly, so does my son. (all of the pictures in this series were too cute so I had to include them all!)
After harassing the animal of choice he immediately asks to go outside to play with his tractors and trucks.
After playing outside for a little while, he comes inside to watch his 1st Mickey Mouse of the day (he gets 2-3 depending on if its a shower day for me or not) look how spaced out and lazy he looks. As soon as the TV comes on its immediate. I don't like him watching Tv and I rarely watch it either but sometimes, its just needed.
Going on our daily walk, today, this is what I look like. It was hot and sunny today (87 degrees in February) at the time I thought I looked pretty cute, I now realize I look like Johnny Depp's character in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Anyway here's Ty in his stroller all strapped up and ready to go with his morning snack.
We walked down to the trails in Circle C. I like to come here because Ty can eventually get out and walk and I really like to wear him out too, not just my dogs.
I'm having to break out Ty's spring clothes sooner then I thought I would so they're all just a bit big. Of course all his shorts are way too big in the waist and his shirts too big in the neck. My child is so skinny!
On this day we ended up taking a 1.5 hour walk. We had a good time and the dogs slept all afternoon.
For the 1st time in recent memory, the circle c creek has water in it. I can't tell you how many hours and hours I have spent in my life playing in this creek I love it and I love that it finally has water in it again so I can let Payton swim in it.
Ty loves watch the Lady swim, but really who doesn't?
Ty loves doing dishes so I let him help me wash some cups by hand. He had been fighting a pretty bad diaper rash for a couple of days (he's teething and the only time Ty ever has had a rash was from teething which is how I know when he's getting a tooth in) so I thought I would let him air it out in a some what humane way instead of just letting him wander around the house and yard naked risking some sort of infection. Look how cute he is in the sink though.
Next we went and read some books. My mom just got him like 30 new books from his book order and this to Ty is like Christmas, it just doesn't get much better to this kid then 30 new books. I try to reserve reading for at night and we run and play and expend energy during the day but a lot of times if I lose him I know where to find him, reading. Nerd Alert!!
{Nap time!!}
Ty still takes a 2-3 hour nap everyday which is nice. I gave up naps at 2 so I am praying that Ty doesn't take after me in that way.
After nap first question, "go outside?"My mom taught Ty how to do ring around the rosie around this tree so he goes and does it by himself now. I hear him shout "fall down" for "we all fall down" its so cute.
Getting in a little tractor play. Skid steer moving the boulder.
Now riding on the tractor Oma got him for Christmas. He calls it a lawn mower though because its green. To Ty yellow tractors are tractors, green ones are lawn mowers.
Now to the sand box to play. Its not the big huge one that Patrick built him in SC but he's getting used to it. Learning to love it.
My dad took 6 hours to clean out and detail my car. Even scrubbed all the juice stains off my seats. It looks and smells like a new car! I can't tell you how happy I am that I didn't have to do it.
Is this not the cutest picture ever? Even though I realize he looks like a mini Patrick I still love it. The biggest feature that Ty has that looks just like me is his eyes, cover those up and he's his dad. Patrick actually has this picture as his Facebook profile pic right now which I love!
But this is how Ty wears his sunglasses, again just like his dad. He rarely will keep them on and he almost immediately pushes them up to wear on his head.
Time for a little learnin and work on fine motor skills. Here is Ty drawing and working on letters with my mom.
It is a well known fact amongst my family that my mom isn't a very good drawer. She is famous for her underwater scene that me and Dustin would ask her to draw for us if we needed a good laugh. Here she is drawing for Ty. I can't say that there wasn't some eye rolls and dirty looks given during this session by Ty to Grammy.
Here Ty is with a play phone. He always calls dada at work, even if Patrick is sitting in the room. The usual conversation is "dada at work? Tractors there? Ok Bye" And the way Ty says bye is one of the funniest things ever. I don't know why I guess its because he's so animated and loud during the whole conversation and then when its time to hang up its a quick, quiet "bye" its just funny.
Another phone call to dad. This time its on a corded phone from my old kitchen that I used to play with when I was a kid. My dad found it so I set it up in our backyard for him and he loves it! We've got his kitchen packed up to go to Indiana so he has something to play with if we go visit up there.
Look at this smile! The next couple of pictures is Ty pretending to almost fall out of his chair. He did it once accidentally and it scared my mom and she jumped up to try and keep him from falling. Of course Ty thought this was hilarious so he continued doing it.
Ah and then he actually did fall out when he leaned too far forward so here he is crying. Hey this is real life, I had to get a picture of him crying. While it doesn't happen very often, he does cry
And here he is faking further injury because he knows he can get a lot more sympathy from my mom then from me.
And there you have it. A day in the life of Ty. I have been working on this blog entry for 4 days now. Thanks to the wireless internet here and my inability to sign on properly for some reason, I have to use my neighbors sometimes and the signal is low so its like working with dial up. Anyway this is a picture of Ty "winking" we tried to teach him to wink and he just squints and closes both eyes of course, like everything else this child does, its so cute!