Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Beach Trip

So this past weekend we went to our favorite beach destination, Myrtle Beach for one more beach visit before the cold weather. This time though it was a 4 hour drive and we took the 2 dogs. Good times. Everyone actually did really well in the car. Was it because they were all quiet and slept the whole way or was it because mama made a cocktail before we left and had one in the car that it went so well? Its probably a little bit of both. We had such a good time though! It was cold in the mornings and way to cold to actually go swimming in the ocean but it really warmed up in the afternoons so all was good. Its not like I could have enjoyed a leisurely swim with a 17 month old and 2 dogs anyway. We went on the gigantic ferris wheel which was quite cool. Ty wasn't scared in the least it was completely enclosed though. We also went to the aquarium and Ty really liked that. He did so well everywhere we went (well except for the restaurant but that was expected). The first night we were there we drove the "strip" at night and he loved all the pretty lights. We went out onto the beach and he loved seeing the moon and all the stars. Then on the drive home, he fell asleep and here's where it gets weird, he slept all night long until 7am the next day! Payton had stomach issues all night and had to be taken out every hour with the runs. She stayed in Patrick's room and he took care of that. The next morning Patrick complained about having to wake up all night long as if I wouldn't understand what he just went thru and there's no way anyone could be as tired as he was. Then when I told him Ty slept all night he said "you're so lucky, thats not fair" I chose to hold my tounge as I've learned to pick my battles in this little thing we call parenthood. I just went  along with him and let him think that I've never had to get up every hour with anyone before. It was such a great trip and I was sad to leave the beach as I always am but my mom is coming tomorrow and we have a week full of fun Halloween activities planned. So we'll see you next year beach, thanks for the memories.

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