Monday, October 17, 2011

Few Quickies

You can't really tell what he's doing here because I was a little slow with my camera phone. While walking the dogs today, for the first time Ty stopped at these plants, bent over and put his nose up to them, made a sniffing noise and said mmmm flowers. I about died! It was the cutest thing. I've actually recently been trying to teach him how to sniff and smell stuff and he absolutely gets its. There aren't actual flowers on this bush so I'm not exactly sure why he chose it. The leaves do kind of look like flowers. This kid is smart I tell ya. 

A lovely picture of me I took yesterday. I don't know if anyone else can tell by looking at it but I sure could, I've lost some weight and I can finally tell. Yay! I've lost about 20lbs since we've moved here. What's my secret you say? Exercising my butt off most of the time 6 days a week and not eating carbs. Is it easy? Nope it sucks but I'm tired of carrying around all my extra baby weight. Plus I want to get family pictures done next month and I do not want to be immortalized as a fat ass. 

Last nights supper. Ty went to town on some corn. Of course that was my corn cob, Patrick cut Ty's off of his but Ty wanted mine, imagine that. 

He's so cute eating it! Most people just look like slobs eating corn on the cob, Ty makes this look good. 

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