Monday, October 31, 2011

Nursing Home Trick or Treat

I got quite a few blog posts to catch up on since I didn't write any the whole time my mom was here and we did quite a few things that warrant a blog post. Today is actually Halloween. We did so many things leading up to Halloween that it's kind of hard for me to believe that it is just now the actual day of trick or treating. Its cold outside which is what I've always wished for for Halloween.and its kind of awesome since my child has a big furry costume that would have caused heat stroke had we been in Texas this year.
So I guess we will go n chronological order of this past weeks events and start with Trick or Treating at the nursing home. It was so sweet. The old people were so happy to see the little ones and had such a good time handing out candy, it really made my heart smile. The first couple of rooms/people we came to Ty was a bit apprehensive to get too close as soon as he realized they were handing out candy he went full force into all the rooms, even walking into the ones that weren't participating. Ty also learned how to say the word candy super quick hmmm someone has a sweet tooth like his mom.
The pictures I took with Ty and the old people are just so innocent and sweet I just love them.

I'm cookie Monster. Pretty clever, right?

Ty was so excited about his treats, he couldn't wait to eat them and carried these Goldfish in his mouth for quite a while. 

 I mean isn't this the coolest picture? A little baby shaking the hand of an old lady who was so happy to see him.
Mesmerized by candy...

This was such a cool experience and I am so glad we got a chance to participate in it! I'm also glad that my mom got to come with us too. Yay for Halloween fun!

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