Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yay for Phone Pictures

Here's Ty right after his haircut with his first sucker ever in his mouth. He sure did love that thing. 

We went to the mall here that has all those ride on toys in it. Ty loves them but only if I don't put money in them, score! I thought this picture was hilarious because with that sucker in his mouth he looks like a truck driver with a cigarette in his mouth messing with his CB radio. Ha! Classic. 

Several action shots of Ty in his new shoes. I just love them so much! They are cute and practical. While I love his Toms and all his loafers they're not particularly practical for a kid who runs and climbs on everything now. 

Before our morning walk on a chilly morning. I love his Longhorn hoodie. 

Playing in his playroom. I just thought this was a funny face. It looks like I caught him doing something he shouldn't be but I didn't he's just playing. 

Not only does the kid love Elmo but so does Payton. She's always been a big TV watcher for some reason. This picture just cracked me up. 

At the family fun day at the park where I had work a booth and turn him over to someone else to watch. 

Ty's favorite new place to play is in my car. He can stay in there forever for some reason. I find this incredibly ironic since he used to scream when I put him the car for the first year of his life now he screams when I tell him we need to go in!

Ty found his hat in my car. Its a little small now but he put it on himself and wore it so I went with it. 

And finally today at the park for our Sunday morning hike/walk. I took the pictures because he has on a Mr. Miyagi shirt that says Wax On Wax Off. Another nod to one of my favorite movies ever Karate Kid. I just recently added a song to my ipod that's from the final fighting scene of that movie it goes "you're the best around no ones ever gonna bring you down" I think its a great song to run to it pumps me up but I fear that as a 31 year old adult I have made far too many references to Karate Kid lately. I'm venturing into nerd territory for sure. 

And that was my week in phone pics. 

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