Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Panic Mode

The other day my computer told me that I was critically low on space. A bit dramatic I would say, I mean critically?!? But I decided that it was time to move my pictures from my laptop onto my external hard drive. I hate doing this because moving the pictures means I have to delete them on here. I have real issues with deleting any pictures of Ty, even bad ones so I put it off as long as I can. I just discovered that I deleted the entire month of May 2011 folder without any backup. I about fainted, May was first birthday month and zoo trip and all kinds of fun stuff. Luckily I double backup everything and upload to smug mug, thank the Lord I do that. It just reminds me that I need to start printing out pictures so I have hard copies too. These pictures are absolutely my most prized possession well besides the kid who the pictures are of. Every single day and event no matter how mundane is important to me and I want to document it no matter how weird people think I am or how many pictures I take. So anyway I need to save all my smug mug pictures now back to a hard drive in my possession and that's going to take forever! Oh well maybe next month I will start getting them printed out and putting them in albums and framing some.

Here are some pictures from today's playgroup field trip to the grocery store Publix. Fun in theory but when you have a kid who won't keep the required hair net on its not quite as cool. We had to sit out all the fun parts because Ty wouldn't cooperate. I knew going into it that he was still a bit young and bit too hyper to enjoy something like this but whatever I got out of the house and got to talk to other adults which is always nice. The best part about this trip was that one of the moms said that Ty reminded her of David Beckham and then she asked if I knew who David Beckham was. Oh how that is my favorite compliment I've ever gotten about Ty. Uh hello of course I know Beckham I wanted him to father my next child, guess I don't need him to now since I already have one that looks like him. Score!

Oh and here is Ty enjoying his cupcake that he got for completing the tour. Best part of his day. Of course he had the icing all over his hands and then he decided to roll around in the dirt because they were laughing at him. Oh what am I going to do with this kid. It sure helps his case that he's so dang cute. 

"Hey Coronas I know these from my house. Dad must be around here somewhere" thought Ty. 

Oh and can I just point out how freaking cute Ty's uber cool shirt is? I ordered it online the other day. I love finding cool and different clothes for him. Plus you have to be a true diehard sports fan to know who Cassius Clay is. They had the Muhammad Ali shirt too but it was sold old in his size. Its ok because I kind of like this one more anyway, very hipster. 

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