Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Fun

When we first got to the pumpkin patch all Ty could see and say was "tractor" he was so excited. As soon as we actually got on a tractor (or the hayride pulled by a tractor) he got really quiet and sat really still, almost like he was scared. Today we went on a field trip with our playgroup to a pumpkin patch about an hour away. We had a really good time. I am a sucker for a good hayride.

It was cute all along the way they had "scary" things hanging from the trees. Ty wasn't scared because he doesn't know yet that he's supposed to be scared of monsters I think.
He was so entertained and so well behaved for the entire time.

The hayride took us to this little pumpkin patch where the kids got to pick out their own little pumpkin. I need to mention that in addition to being totally obsessed with tractors, Ty also has a thing for pumpkins. The other day when we walked into Target they had a big display of plastic pumpkins set up, Ty ran in and literally squealed with excitment then went over to them while I was getting a cart and said "pumpkins, mama, pumpkins" the Target employees were gathering around him laughing. So needless to say he was super excited when we pulled up on these pumpkins and he got to get out and pick one up.
This is just the beginning of all our fall/halloween fun. I love fall and I love that we're not in Texas where its still 100 degrees.

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