Thursday, October 20, 2011


All this week Ty has been waking up every hour all night long and that is not an exaggeration. I have no idea what is going on but I seriously can't take much more. I am so tired and I don't know what to do. I have yet to talk to a mom here that has the same sleeping issues with their child and I know a lot of moms here since I'm part of 2 playgroup groups. He doesn't sleep in his crib and he won't sleep with us. He sleeps worse now then when he was a newborn waking up to nurse, seriously. But anyway here's some pictures from the playgroup at the farm today. It wasn't an official playgroup but it was a get together with my 2 best mom friends here and it was a good time. Since I don't sleep and Patrick works all the time I officially spend all day with Ty and all night so its always nice to just let him run free with his friends while I get to talk to mine. The leaves here are changing color and its so pretty. It was super cold and windy here today so it officially looks and feels like fall. I even got to wear my new cape/pancho thing that I just ordered and love.

Oh I got my new camera lens and I think I really like it. Its awesome for close ups and blurred backgrounds. Obviously looking at the pictures I took today, its going to take some getting used to but I think I’m really going to like it. It’s a 50mm lens so you can’t zoom in or out with it but for some reason it still works and I really like the final product. We’re going on a road trip to Myrtle Beach tomorrow so I am sure I will have plenty of upcoming photo ops to practice with. Happy birthday to me. 

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