Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Phone Pictures

I can't remember if I've posted these or not and apparently its too much work for me to look back at past blog posts to check so I posted them just in case. Nothing special about this day he is just so cute in his little jersey I'm sad that it will be too small soon since he wore it last season too. 

 A plunger that Patrick had went out and bought before it was used. Ty loves plungers for some reason and I think I may have to get one for him for Christmas.

 After a super rainy week. Instead of trying to keep him out of the water I just gave in to both him and Payton. Look how happy both of them are.

 Here he is after the puddle jumping. I cringe just looking at this, I hate dirty babies!!
Stacking and counting mama's solo cups. I love them. God bless you Solos for not only holding my beverages but for also teaching my child how to stack things and how to count. 

Ty in the hat that his dad picked out for him at the Gap sale. What a handsome little man. 

 More halloween decor and if you look closely you can see Ty at the top. His new favorite spot because he is obsessed with my decorations and trying to take them down.
Cobra Kai pajamas (Karate Kid reference) I got them at Wal Mart for $5 and I love them he looks so cute in them. 

Gone Fishing

This is how Ty rolls in Target now. Popcorn in one hand, icee in the other. It actually keeps him in the cart for quite a while.

When we walked up on this horse, my idiot dogs were terrified of it. The barked and all the hair on their backs was standing up. It took my 15 month old to walk right up to it to show them that it was ok. Idiots. Its a painted fiberglass horse. 

I am in love with pictures that have the son shining down in them. I think it makes Ty look angelic. 

First really cold day here I got to  bust out the cute new sweater.

 This is something new that he does now when I say "say cheese" he puts his finger on his nose. I don't know why but I tend to blame Mr. Noodle when he does retarded things like this.
"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for."

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