Monday, October 10, 2011

Gone Country

So yesterday was my birthday and while I was without my family and kind of sad about that my wonderful husband actually made my day awesome and then we went out to my new friend's farm for a cookout. We had a really good time. We even too Paris and Payton to go swimming and I know they had a good time because this morning, Payton was limping. 
 My friend's daughter is a month younger than Ty and still doesn't walk. She cruises around in these walker things and all Ty wanted to do was walk in them. He kept running into the little girl with his like it was a bumper car.
Paris chased the poor chickens everywhere. Here she was trying to be cool and pretend she didn't care that the chicken was right next to her. 

 A boy and his dog.

 Ty was much less afraid of the farm animals, my scardey cat dogs followed him around so he could save them if need be.

 Look at old lady Paris running after Payton I'm surprised she could walk today she was running everywhere!

 The golden hippo.

 Pooter meets a pig.

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