Friday, November 25, 2011


That certainly came and went quickly. It feels like it was just Halloween and now Thanksgiving is already over! I'm not a fan of Thanksgiving I don't really like the food and I don't like the fact that you're forced to fee yourself until you hurt it just feels so gluttonous. I do like what Thanksgiving stands for though its nice to stop and think about what you're thankful for and its awesome to get to spend time with family. As you know we were in Austin this year but my husband didn't come, he had to stay in SC with the dogs and I did really miss him but I was happy to see Oma and Opa and Mark. We had a nice, late meal (had to wait on Ty's nap and Dustin to get off from work). This wasn't Ty's first Thanksgiving (obviously) but it was the first one that he had teeth for so I thought that was kind of cool. Here he was last year

We had just gt to Kentucky like 3 days before so we had Thanksgiving just the 3 of us. I don't think my dogs had made it there yet. Then it snowed that night and the next morning I was able to score this picture for my Christmas cards

And we went and bought our Christmas tree while there was snow on  the ground!! I hated the cold winter we spent in KY (or I hated the weather at least) but there was something so awesome about decorating a tree  while snow was falling down outside like a snow globe. Then just sitting and looking at the tree in front of the window all decorated with the snow falling down outside, thats how I feel Christmas time is supposed to feel. But I digress...
Back to this year. It probably got up to about 80 degrees here yesterday while we ate our turkey but I had planned on Ty wearing his sweater vest for Thanksgiving and he most certainly did, despite the heat (don't worry I kept an eye out for signs of heat stroke, who said looking adorably cute was easy?)
Ty didn't eat a whole lot of the food at Thanksgiving dinner. My theory is he didn't eat it because all of it is just like baby food and Ty will eat nothing that even resembles baby food anymore. He also won't eat anything that I feed him, he's got to do it all himself. So here are some pictures from after dinner that I got. Mark took a bunch more and I'm even in them but I don't have those shots yet but will post them as soon as I see them.

So that was our Thanksgiving (or at least what we did after the meal) I really am so thankful for my family I love them all so much! Oh and the on post on Facebook that I actually did as my "thankful post" was this...

On this Thanksgiving eve I figured I would tell yall what I'm thankful for and that is my husband. I try not to give him a whole lot of compliments because I don't want to give him the upper hand, you know let him think that I think the world of him, I would never say any of this to his face. I have the best husband in the whole wide world. I'm not the easiest person to put up with but he does and does it with a smile. He works hard so I can stay home with our child who is turning out to not only be super cute but a genius as well. I love him so much and I honestly thank God everyday that he's my husband. And that's all I have to say about that. Happy Thanksgiving to my adoring husband.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Its Time To Play the Music, Its Time To Light the Lights...

So today was the big day, Ty's 1st movie. And what movie more appropriate then The Muppets, my favorite show since I was old enough to watch TV, the origin of his favorite bed time song that I sing to him every single night, Rainbow Connection. It is the 1st Muppet movie in at least a decade and you better believe I was going to have it be Ty's first movie. My mom came with us and bought the tickets and got all the snacks. 

Here's Ty looking at all the arcade games while we waited for Grammy to score our snacks. 

So many things to look at and so much going on. We went to the 10am showing which is the 1st one of the day, the Early Bird. I thought it was going to be like $3.50 a person. Um wrong, try $6! Holy Hell when did the movies get so expensive?? We even had to get a ticket for Ty. 

So Ty did an excellent job and sat still and watched almost the entire movie. My mom took him out the last 5 minutes so they didn't miss much. If he hadn't had to sit thru so many previews, I bet he could have made it the whole time. He did get to see Rainbow Connection performed and he was oddly still and quiet thru the entire song, must have recognized it. 

 I actually really liked the movie. It was sweet and funny and just made me happy. It brought back so many memories of my childhood and made me smile to know that I get to share something that was such a big part of my childhood with my son. Such a good day.  (look how cute he is in this picture he just gets more and more handsome everyday)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today we went the old park by our old apartment. Driving into it always brings back so many memories. I started taking Ty to that park to walk with the dogs when he was just 2 weeks old and we went every single day until we moved to Kentucky around his 7 month bday! I put him in his first swing here when he was just 4 months old so I decided to do a comparison pic. Look how much he’s grown and changed in just over a  year. Its just amazing to me and it kind of makes me want another baby, just kind of. I mean look at that smiling little face he’s just so dang cute!

And just because I really liked how they turned out, here are a couple more shots that I took at the park today  I just wish I had the dogs with me, they would have enjoyed being back at their old stomping grounds too.

We're in Austin

So we've been in Austin since Sunday and we've been having a great time! Its hot here and I packed totally inappropriately for the weather but other then that its been great. There are a lot of things I don't like about Austin (bums at every light panhandling for money), the heat, the traffic, the pretentious people to name a few but there are also a lot of things that I love about Austin. Namely there is so much to do here for kids. We went to the children's museum yesterday. It was the baby Bloomers which means all the kids are supposed to be 3 and under and they just set up a new dinosaur exhibition. Ty also got lucky because they had just set up a nice little area dedicated to tractors which as we all know he is absolutely obsessed with. Once he discovered the tractor area I had to drag him away from it to go and try other things.

Then we went to the fountain/park where we went this summer and he played in the water. I wanted to try and get some good shots of him with the Austin skyline in the background. He ran up and down this huge hill then promptly fell asleep in the car and slept for almost 3 hours! There were some girls there working out, they would run up the hill and then once at the bottom they would do squats Ty was watching  and started doing squats with them, it was so funny! The girls couldn’t stop laughing and said how cute he was. Then we walked over to see the turtles and Ty took his shoes off. I’m usually pretty pro shoe in public but hey we’re in Austin and you know, when in Rome do as the hippies do.