Sunday, November 13, 2011

What We've Been Up to According to My Phone

Look at this face! He's so cute. This picture was to show off his new converse shoes. He's a hipster. 

Dad's been sick so I bought him a nice box of antibacterial kleenex. While I showered, someone else helped himself to them then when I came in and caught him he started picking up each one and pretended to blow his nose on them. 

I texted this picture to Patrick immediately and he thought it was hilarious. He also pointed out that in this shot, Ty looks like he's sick and exhausted (hmmm must have learned that look from his big baby father when he's sick lol) 

Super cold morning walk. I just love a bundled up baby they're so stinking cute!

Oh Lord the birthday party at Chuck E Cheese in Augusta. Um, can we say gheto? Ty had a good time though and my purse wasn't stolen so its all good.

He loved pulling the tickets out of the machines that I would win. 

Totally fearless and went right up to Chuck. I thought this would translate to when I took him to visit Santa, sadly it did not. How is he scared of Santa but not this huge mouse? 

All the other little kids his age were terrified of the mouse and wouldn't even look at him. ty went right up to him and waved. Sorry for the poor pic quality but you get the idea. 

Oh and can someone tell me why there has been no progress in the world of gigantic, children's places robots? Those stupid dancing robots on stage were exactly the same as the ones that used to be there when I was a kid 25 years ago. Come on, Al Gore invented the internet, we all carry cell phones that  can do just about anything, why have there been no improvements to these robots? 

I love his Santa pjs and the goofy smile he gave me this morning when I told him to smile. 

Teasing the dogs.

And what kind of blog post would it be if I didn't include some pictures of my child in front of some fall leaves? 

This one just looks like its from a calendar for the month of November doesn't it? 

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