Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Today we went the old park by our old apartment. Driving into it always brings back so many memories. I started taking Ty to that park to walk with the dogs when he was just 2 weeks old and we went every single day until we moved to Kentucky around his 7 month bday! I put him in his first swing here when he was just 4 months old so I decided to do a comparison pic. Look how much he’s grown and changed in just over a  year. Its just amazing to me and it kind of makes me want another baby, just kind of. I mean look at that smiling little face he’s just so dang cute!

And just because I really liked how they turned out, here are a couple more shots that I took at the park today  I just wish I had the dogs with me, they would have enjoyed being back at their old stomping grounds too.

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