Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Its Time To Play the Music, Its Time To Light the Lights...

So today was the big day, Ty's 1st movie. And what movie more appropriate then The Muppets, my favorite show since I was old enough to watch TV, the origin of his favorite bed time song that I sing to him every single night, Rainbow Connection. It is the 1st Muppet movie in at least a decade and you better believe I was going to have it be Ty's first movie. My mom came with us and bought the tickets and got all the snacks. 

Here's Ty looking at all the arcade games while we waited for Grammy to score our snacks. 

So many things to look at and so much going on. We went to the 10am showing which is the 1st one of the day, the Early Bird. I thought it was going to be like $3.50 a person. Um wrong, try $6! Holy Hell when did the movies get so expensive?? We even had to get a ticket for Ty. 

So Ty did an excellent job and sat still and watched almost the entire movie. My mom took him out the last 5 minutes so they didn't miss much. If he hadn't had to sit thru so many previews, I bet he could have made it the whole time. He did get to see Rainbow Connection performed and he was oddly still and quiet thru the entire song, must have recognized it. 

 I actually really liked the movie. It was sweet and funny and just made me happy. It brought back so many memories of my childhood and made me smile to know that I get to share something that was such a big part of my childhood with my son. Such a good day.  (look how cute he is in this picture he just gets more and more handsome everyday)

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