Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Ty at Almost 18 Months

**Warning for some reason this first part of the post looks all retarded and highlighted but I don't know how to fix it nor do I want to spend the time figuring out how so there you go.**  

The other day I had a Dr. appt at 1pm, right smack dab in th middle of naptime poor planning on mama's part for sure. Anywhoodle my wonderful husband was able to leave work and stay with Ty while he stayed asleep. Apparently daddy wanted a little nap too so he fell asleep in his rocker in the living room. A few minutes later he was rudely awaken by no other than Mr.Ty, slapping him in the head with the box to an Elmo DVD while saying "Elmo. Elmo. Elmo." When I got home shortly after, Ty was watching Elmo. When Patrick told me this story I could not stop laughing. The boy knows what he wants and he certainly knows how to get it. 
I think since I continue to ignore my other posts I still need to do for Halloween I'm going to make this post into a kind of 18 month update on Ty and what he's been up to recently before I forget you know because while the pumpkin patch posts and weird leaf stalker lady are nice, I did this blog so that I could look back on it one day and remember everything about my sweet baby boy so that means non eventful posts mainly just for my personal enjoyment and possibly for Ty's future wife when she's pregnant and asking me how Ty was as a baby.
The child is such a talker now I'm still the only one who understands everything he says but he's got a ton of words that others can recognize too. My favorites are tractor and lawn mower because both are so clear and he says each word about 500 times a day. I spend so much time with him, I know what different squeals and sounds mean. The ones that come to mind are when he's harassing the dogs in another room I know which dog he is bothering and what he's doing to them trying to push payton out of the way, getting paris to shake, trying to mount one to ride like a horse, you know things like that. On a side note its hillrious to hear him bug old lady Paris until she can't take anymore and runs with her tail down to another room I just see a quick flash of her as she darts thru the hallway. 
Ty has 2 top molars growing in and I just noticed a bottom left one coming in. I'm impresed how straight and nice they're coming in especially compared to his snaggle tooth peers too bad they're only his baby teeth or he would not need braces ever. 
He does the funniest eye roll thing now where he closes his eyes all put out then rolls them when they're open. Patrick has said on several occassions that its exatly like the dirty looks I give him and I'm sad to admit it but yeah, I know I give those same looks hahaha. 

Probably the biggest and most impressive thing that Ty has started doing is telling me when he is pooping and then again after he's done that he has poop. This means that its not long before I can start potty training. I have never minded changing diapers at all what I do mind is paying for them so I am so excited to not have to buy those stupid things anymore. Anytime that I am on the potty just peeing now he will ask me "poop?" so he even knows that pooping is to be done on the potty. Wow an entire excited paragraph about poop, what would my UT English professors think? 

I believe I mentioned above the love that Ty has for tractors,. Well he now takes one to bed with him every night. He holds it while I sing and rock him. He is such a boy!

He weighs 23 pounds now which is still just between the 10 and 20 percentile for his age. However he is around 34 inches which is the 90 percentile and his shoe size is the same as the kids in playgroup a whole year older than him, he wears a 6. Tall and skinny with a huge foot, hello future athlete. 

Oh here's a fun fact for you my child still wakes up all night long and sleeps worse now then he did when he was a baby and still nursed. I don't know what to do and I've kind of just come to terms with it. He sleeps in our bed most of the night because I just get tired of having to get up and go tend to him. He does still wake up when he's in our bed but I don't have to get up and its relatively quick to put him back to sleep. 

I've had several of the moms in our playgroup ask me if Ty ever cries because he is so laid back and go with the flow. He really doesn't ever cry, just in the middle of the night. He's a very happy and content little boy. Waking up in  the middle of the night with him isn't that big of a deal, I can catch up on sleep someday and will miss getting up to rock him. 

I still believe that this child will grow up to be a politician. he is so friendly, waves to everyone and totally knows how to work a room. Everywhere we go people just love him because he is so friendly and outgoing. It has made me have to be a much friendlier and outgoing person too because I have to talk to all these people who he is waving and talking to. 

I guess that's about all I really wanted to get posted. I still can't believe that my baby is a year and a half old! I am so proud of him everyday and he just makes me smile I never knew it was even possible to love someone this much! Oh and to close, this is for you my sweet baby Ty
I will love you forever, I will like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be. (I still can't even look at that book without bawling like a baby and I refuse to buy it. I just can't handle it)

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